Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept. 12, 2011
 Dearest Family,

 Thank you for writing to me.  I love hearing about your adventures.  Has everyone started school?  I can`t believe how the time is flying.

I`m really grateful for the time I spent in Urubamba because it`s helping me to have hope for our branch here in Puerto.  This week in Puerto was eye-opening.  I realized that the branch needs some support.  Missionaries before have worked hard to have lots of baptisms and they`ve done that, but the branch has been neglected along the way.  I`m not exactly sure what a good starting step is to help a branch improve, but I`m confident that revelation will come.  What ideas do you have?  Something else that I realized this week is that many of the baptisms that have been enacted were for youth.  Unfortunately, many of these youth have gone less active.  I continue feeling an urgency to look for families to teach.  This last week we actually found a promising family.  The mother`s name is Eve.  Even though we didn`t teach any lessons to the family before Sunday, the family attended church because we invited them.  I`m praying that this family can progress.

 This week has been a fun week discovering jungle fruits.  Hna. Benites and I have gotten to laughing really hard as we chucked rocks at trees in hopes of knocking down fruit.  This week we discovered guanabana and kaimito.  Kaimito is my new favorite fruit.  We also found coconuts, and a little girl hacked open the coconuts for us with a machete.  I was quite impressed. 


Hermana Blunck  II

My new companion in Puerto Maltonaldo,  Hermana Benites.
Sept.5, 2011
Dearest Family,

Thank you for your beautiful letters.  I am sweating it out here in Puerto, but I am content.  Puerto is a place very prepared for the gospel.  We have found many wonderful people to teach this past week and they are progressing.

The work in Puerto feels very different for me.  It`s less stressful.  Whereas my companion and I taught in all of Urubamba and the nearby cities before, now my companion and I only have our small area where we focus.  There`s a small number of members that live within our area, so there aren`t members frustrated with us because we don`t have time to visit them.  The fact of the matter is that we don`t leave our area.  Hna Benites and I don`t walk as much as I used to, but that`s okay.  I liked feeling that we have a little space in our agenda to contact well. 

 Hermana Blunck II  

August 29, 2011
Dearest Family,

Thank you for writing me such lovely notes.  My new area is Puerto
Maldonado.  I`m about three hours away from the Bolivian border.  I`m
in the jungle!!!!!!!  I am super feliz!

My new companion is Hna. Benites.  She`s finishing her mission this
transfer.  I feel very privileged to be with her because she has lots
of experience.  Normally, missionaries with lots of time in the
mission are put with younger companions.  Thank you for remembering
me—this week I complete one year in the mission.  I`m not sure yet
what we`ll do to celebrate, but Hna. Benites and I are planning

Hna. Villegas is in Puerto Maldonado.  I didn`t think that President
would send me to Puerto. 

I know that I need to have lots of faith and excited for the next few
months while I`m here.

I send you all of my love!!!!

Hermana Blunck II

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